Ok I have ignored adult swim for some time but this Mike Tyson Mysteries show is lining up to be on the venture brothers level of parody. It Parodies the 70’s mystery cartoon shows built around Scooby Doo and places Mike Tyson as the lead and foil with the of beat character being a ghost. Not just any ghost but the ghost of the marquis of Queensberry(boxing fans will get that joke). Throw in a talking alcoholic Pigeon who takes part in all kinds of debauchery and a super intelligent Asian teenager(the velma of the group) and you have the team. This clip had me laughing form jump, so unless it is a let down like black dynamite which suffered from lazy writing that depended too heavily on the characters catch phrases or over pushed identity, rather than having a actual zany situation and throwing these crazy personalities in it. ENJOY! and I can’t wait