The best way to describe The Green Seed is fearless. I love the fact that the Green Seed has maintained their own sound and style in a area of the country that lacks diversity of sound. Most people would not expect a album that is closer to De la Souls “buhloone Mind state” to originate in a place like Birmingham Alabama but it did and it has. Drapetomania is a true album that starts by doing something all good art does i.e. pose a question. Once you see the title Drapetomania you already know you are in for a interesting ride. By definition Drapetomania-“was a supposed mental illness described by American physician Samuel A. Cartwright in 1851 that caused black slaves to flee captivity. Today, drapetomania is considered an example of pseudoscience, :2 and part of the edifice of scientific racism“. So reading into this I can say the Green Seed is fleeing from the conformity placed on them by genre and region. They do a great job of this throughout the project, in fact this is my favorite green seed release to date. I see a lot of growth on this project and the effort is a lot more polished. I just got my copy of the album so I will not do a song for song review yet. I am going to save that for when we get the youtube channel going. However after a few listens I can tell you I am thoroughly impressed and I look forward to catching them performing this at a few shows. Below I have posted a link to their second single. ENJOY!