On the heels of the very boom bap oriented “Masters Of Ceremony” EP, Zion I drops “Libations” the reflective 2nd installment of their 3 part series. “This project was heavily influenced by one of my best friends passing away suddenly”, states Zumbi, “His death put me in a mood to really analyze my life and how short this existence really can be. It opened my eyes and heart to both the ugliness and beauty of what we experience while alive.” Hence, “Libations” broods with reflection and deep emotion. “To me, libation is when you honor someone by pouring out your brew before you sip, its a sort of prayer. On this EP, I poured out some liquor for my homie, as well as my family, and myself” shares Zumbi. The EP features production from AmpLive, Headnodic, and newcomer Featherload. It also has veteran MC’s Mr Lif, Sadat X, and Opio featured prominently amongst others. Now ease back, and sip some of this heady wine from the Zion I cup.